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HEDIS Import / Load Sample

To load (import) a sample for HEDIS, click the HEDIS > Load Sample link on the menu. The HEDIS Import page opens.

Create a New Profile

Note that a profile must exist before an import can occur. To create a new profile:

  1. Click Define Data Profile. The HEDIS Profile Creator - Add/Select Profile page opens.
  2. Enter the name for the new profile in the New Profile field and click Continue. The HEDIS Profile Creator - Select Format page opens. Tip: Add the date to the name to help distinguish the profile.
  3. In the Sample Line field, set the delimiter to a pipe (|) and enter all of the HEDIS fields from the input file layout, with no spaces between a pipe and the next field. Example: Medical Record Number|Patient Medicaid Number|Patient First Name|Patient Middle Name|Patient Last Name|Patient Gender Code|Patient DOB|Patient 1st Address Street|Patient 1st Address City|Patient 1st Address Zip Code|Patient 1st Address State.
Note icon  The sample file should contain as much identifying information as possible to ensure the chances of finding a match. For example, include family and/or address information such as Guardian First name.

After setting up the sample line, select the delimiter radio button, enter a pipe symbol in the text box ("|"), and click Evaluate Sample Line. The HEDIS Profile Creator - Assign Fields page opens. The fields on this page are as follows:

Field Description

Sample Field

Each of the fields included in the sample line appear in this column. Verify the format of each field and that all of the fields are included. If any fields are missing, click Back and enter the correct sample line. If all of the fields are on one line, click Back and fix the delimiter option.

Field Definition

Select the field's definition from the drop-down list.

Requires Additional Field Defs

Select this option if additional field definitions are required for the sample field. If enabled (selected), the HEDIS Profile Creator - Define Multiple Value page opens after Submit Definitions is clicked. Click Continue on that page and the HEDIS Profile Creator - Required Mappings page opens. See the instructions for that page below.

Data Format

If necessary, select the appropriate data format from the drop-down list. For example, Patient Date of Birth must be set to MM/DD/YYYY. Dates/times and full names are examples of fields that might require a format selection from this drop-down list.

Enter the information as necessary and click Submit Definitions. This saves the profile and exits either to the initial HEDIS Import page (indicating the profile was successfully saved) or the HEDIS Profile Creator - Required Mappings page. If the Requires Additional Field Defs option was enabled for any of the fields, the HEDIS Profile Creator - Required Mappings page opens (after Continue is clicked on the HEDIS Profile Creator - Define Multiple Value page), listing the fields that require the additional field definitions. For this, click the Define Patient Gender Code link and enter the following: F:Female M:Male O:Other U:Unknown.

The term mapping refers to the translation of the import file codes to the codes used in the registry. Some examples of fields that may need to be mapped include Patient Gender (Sex) Code, Patient Ethnicity Code, Vaccine Code, Manufacturer Code, County Code, etc.

On the HEDIS Profile Creator - Required Mappings page, click the link for each of the fields listed to open the HEDIS Profile Creator - Define [field name] page. Enter the code for each of the descriptions listed on the page and click Submit Data Mappings. The HEDIS Profile Creator - Define Default Value page opens.

To define default values, select a field definition from the drop-down list and enter the default value for that field. Click Add New Default to add another one. Any default values already created are listed in the HEDIS Stored Default Values section on the page. Click Remove Default for a default field to delete it from the list. When finished adding default values, click Save Profile. The HEDIS Import page reopens and a success message appears at the top of the page. The saved profile now appears in the Select Import Profile drop-down list.

Import HEDIS File

If you are not already on the HEDIS Import page, click the HEDIS > Load Sample link on the menu. The HEDIS Import page opens. To use an existing profile, select it from the Select Import Profile drop-down list on the HEDIS Import page. To create an import new profile, see the Create a New Profile section above.

Select the file to import by clicking the Choose File button and navigating to the file, then clicking Open. The HEDIS Import page shows the name of the selected file. Click Import to send the file to the state for processing by state registry staff. The status bar at the bottom page appears as the file is being processed, and then a message appears at the top of the page stating that the file was successfully imported.

After the profile has been imported, export the data by clicking HEDIS > Export Results (see Export Results).

Note icon  Depending on the size of the file, it may take some time to process. The browser page may time out when processing lengthy imports. You can periodically check the Import Log (click View Import Logs) to ensure the import processed correctly. Also note that the maximum import size is 100 Mb.   You can also click on Job Queue and refresh the page as often as needed. The page displays the number of records that have been processed. Once all of the records have been imported and HEDIS deduplication has started, the status changes to list the total record count.

Print Data Profile Report

To print an existing data profile report (to view the definitions in a profile), select it from the Select Import Profile drop-down list and click Print Data Profile Report. The profile information appears in a new browser tab. To print the page, use the browser's print function.

View HEDIS Import Logs for Errors

To view previously submitted imports to identify and correct errors so that profile can be reimported, click View Import Logs. The HEDIS Import Logs page opens with a list of previous imports. To view a file's errors, click the arrow button in the View Errors column for a profile. The HEDIS Import Errors page opens.

Note icon  If the total number of errors exceeds 100, import a smaller file by copying and pasting a subset of the larger original file and view those errors. When the number of errors is large, the browser can experience a memory limitation and not all of the errors can be displayed.

The line number on which the error occurred displays next to a view details link and an error description. Click the link to view the details on the DTT Import Error Detail page. Click Create Error Report to view a report of all of the errors in a new browser tab; print the page using the browser's print function.

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