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Patient Totals

This report displays the number of patients and visits. Note that the Total Visits column does not appear when the report is run by day, hour, or half-hour, since vaccinations are recorded by date and not by time. It is also important to note that total visits are incremented for each race when a multi-racial patient is included in the report. For example, if a patient was recorded as having two races, the total for each of the two races is incremented by one, even though the patient was only seen once.

Run the Report

To run this report, click the Reports > Report Module > Vaccinations > Patient Totals link. The Patient Totals by Service page opens.  Enter the criteria and click Create Report. The report displays in a separate browser tab and can be printed using the browser's print function.

The available report criteria fields are as follows:

Field Description

Immunization Dates

To limit the report to a specific immunization date range, enter the From and Through dates (after which the checkbox is automatically selected).

Birth Dates

To limit the report by birth date range, enter the From and Through dates (after which the checkbox is automatically selected).

Next Appointment Dates

To limit the report by a next appointment  range, enter the From and Through dates (after which the checkbox is automatically selected).

Display By

Select All (default), Half Hour, Hour, or Day.

Organization (IRMS)
Organization (IRMS) Group
Do Not Limit

To limit the report by Organization (IRMS) or Group, select it from the related drop-down list (after which the appropriate radio button is automatically selected), or select Do Not Limit to include all Organizations (IRMSes).

Facility Group
Do Not Limit

To limit the report by Facility or Facility Group, select the Facility or Facility Group from the related drop-down list (after which the radio button is automatically selected). To include all Facilities, select Do Not Limit (default).


To limit the report by VFC PIN, select it from the drop-down list (after which the checkbox is automatically selected).


To limit the report to a specific district or region, enter the name or number (after which the checkbox is automatically selected).

Include Patient Visits

Select this option to include patient visits regardless of appointment type.

Select Report Type (select up to 3)

Select up to three report types and change the display order by enter 1, 2, or 3 (1 = first, etc.):
  • Total Patients per Organization (IRMS)
  • Total Patients per Facility Group
  • Total Patients per Facility
  • Total Patients per Provider (default)
  • Total Patients per Program
  • Total Patients per Health Plan
  • Total Patients per Race
  • Total Patients per Ethnicity
  • Total Patients per High Risk Category
  • Total Patients per Postal Code
  • Total Patients per State/Province
  • Total Patients per County/Parish/Borough
  • Total Patients per District/Region
  • Total Patients per City

Example Report

The following image is of an example Patient Totals by Service report:

Example Patient Totals by Service report

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