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Demographic Registry Report (Mississippi)

This report is produced as a CSV file and contains the following fields:

  • Report Date
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Generational ID
  • DOB
  • Street 1
  • Street 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County/Parish
  • District
  • Inactive
  • Race
  • Sex
  • Child's SSN
  • Guardian's SSN
  • Organization (IRMS) Owner UID
  • Organization (IRMS) Owner Name
  • Organization (IRMS) Owner Last Update Date
  • Last Update By

To run this report, click the Reports > State Reports > Other > Demographic Registry Report link. The Demographics Registry Report Menu page opens.  Enter the birth date range From and Through dates and click Export. If any data is available for the specified date range, a CSV file automatically downloads and can be opened by a spreadsheet program such as Excel. The report requires the following:

Field Description

Date of Birth Range

Enter the to and from dates for the birth date range. This is required.

Example Report

The following image is of an example Demographic Registry report.

Example of an Exported Demographic Registry Report CSV File

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