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Countermeasure and Response Settings

A Registry Client user with the CRA Administration permissions to manage the tiers used for campaigns in the Mass Immunization module can add, edit, and delete tier groups. This can be useful when there are multiple systems entering mass immunizations, since it allows each system to be unique when the data is exported.

Tier groups are configured with the Administration > Countermeasure and Response > Manage Tiers setting.

Manage Tiers

After you click Administration > Countermeasure and Response > Manage Tiers, you can add, edit, and delete tier groups.

Add a Tier Group

On the Manage Tiers page, click the Add button to add a new tier group. The Tier Group page opens with the following fields. The top section is for information about the tier group, and the bottom section allows you to add individual tiers to the group. The following fields can be edited:

Field Description

Tier Group

Tier Group Name

Enter the name of the new tier group associated with the campaign.

Tier Group Description

Enter a meaningful description for the new tier group.


Select this option if the tier group is inactive.

Create or Modify Tiers


Tier Code

Enter the code for the tier group. Example: Tier 1, Tier 2, etc.

Tier Name

Enter the name of the tier. Example: Homeland and Nations Security Tier 1.


Enter the description of the tier. Example: Deployed and Mission Critical Personnel.

Sort Order

Enter the sort order for displaying the tiers within application drop-down lists. For example, enter 1 if this tier should appear first in the list, 2 if it should appear second, etc.


Select this option to change the tier status to Inactive.


Select this option to delete (inactivate) the tier.

Click Add New Row to add additional tiers to the group. Click Save to save the tier group information to the database. The campaign can then be created using the Campaign menu.

Edit a Tier Group

To edit a tier group and the tiers it contains, select it in the drop-down list and click Edit. A new page opens with the information for that tier group. Make any necessary changes to this page and click Save when you are finished. Click Add New Row to add additional tiers to the group.

Field Description

Tier Group

Tier Group Name

The name of the tier group associated with the campaign.

Tier Group Description

A description of the tier group.


If this option is selected, the tier group is inactive.

Create or Modify Tiers


Tier Code

The code for the tier group.

Tier Name

The name of the tier.


The description of the tier.

Sort Order

The sort order.


If this option is selected, the tier is inactive.


If selected, the tier has been deleted (inactivated). If not selected, the tier is available.

Delete a Tier Group

To delete a tier group, first select it from the drop-down list, then click Delete. Read the Confirm Deletion message and click Delete to continue, or Cancel to cancel the operation.

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