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School Nurse - Exports Menu

The School Nurse Exports menu has only one option: Export Patient Data. School Nurse users need the SNM Export Patient Data permission to view and use this link. Of note:

The Export Patient Data feature allows users to export a CSV file of data from the School Nurse module that includes the following data fields:

To export patient data to a CSV file, select Exports > Export Patient Data.  The Export Patient Data page opens. Enter the information as necessary and click Create File. The file is automatically downloaded.

The available fields and options on this page are as follows:

Limit Export by Fields & Options Description

Update Date Range

To limit the export file to a specific date range for updates, enter the From and Through dates.


The school is pre-populated based on the school selected upon logging in to the application. If this is not pre-populated, click the Click to Select link, then search for and select the school.

Vaccination Validity

Select the vaccination validity option from the drop-down list. Examples:
  • Valid Vaccinations Only (default)
  • All Vaccinations

Output Type

Select the output type:
  • All Records - exports all records associated with the school/school district
  • Updates Only - exports only those records that were updated since the last export.

To view the logs of previous exports, click View Logs. A new browser tab or window opens with a list of previous exports, with the following information: Export Date, User Name, Number of Patients Exported, From and Through Dates, School Name, School District, Vaccination Validity and Output Type. Use the browser's print function to print the report.

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