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CASA Export

Authorized users can export patient data for CASA.

Immunization assessments can be conducted by exporting a file that is used by a Windows version of the Clinic Assessment Software Application (WinCASA) or by the Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application (CoCASA).

WinCASA, also referred to as CASA, is a separate software package developed by the CDC to assess immunization coverage rates in a standard manner. The export includes these vaccine types:  HepA, Rotavirus, and PPV23.

CoCASA is a new application developed by the CDC to assess immunization coverage rates in a standard manner for all vaccinations with a valid CPT code. CoCASA offers a new format containing one immunization per line. The user creates an import template and uses it to import the data from an ASCII text file. The types of ASCII files that can be used are:

The ASCII text file must be in the format of one record per immunization. Accepted immunizations include CPT, CVX, or MVX codes; literal names; and brand names.

The zip code field is required for all patients. Therefore, the following fields are required:

Note icon  If the zip code is not included in the import template, it defaults to 00000. An age range can be specified (with a From and To date range, in months or years, and an As Of date) to limit date entry.

Required entries are Existing Provider and Assessment Name to store the imported data. Only patient owned by the selected Organization (IRMS)/Facility are included in the export.

The Standards for Pediatric Immunization Practices states that providers are to conduct semi-annual audits to assess immunization coverage levels and review immunization records in the patient populations they serve. In both public and private sectors, the assessment of immunization services for preschool-age patients should include audits of immunization records, or inspection of a random sample of records, to determine the immunization coverage level. The assessment results should be discussed by providers as part of their ongoing quality assurance reviews, and be used to develop solutions to the identified problems.

The primary purpose of CASA is to help providers implement this recommended practice. CASA can also be used to collect information on all clinical encounters in order to assess if providers utilize all clinical encounters to screen for needed vaccines and, when indicate, immunize children.

The CASA application software can be downloaded from the CDC's website at http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/cocasa/index.html.

CASA Export Workflow

Exporting CASA data requires two steps. The first step is to use IWeb to retrieve the data and place it into a text file in alphabetical order. The second step is to run the CASA application to import the data file.

Exports can accept and export all of the vaccine types, dose numbers, laboratory evidence of immunity for Varicella, and chickenpox history. The CASA template for the CDC's CASA software has been modified and submitted to the CDC for inclusion in their distribution of CASA software. The IWeb CASA export includes VFC eligibility and, thus, the import template also includes VFC eligibility.

Patients with chickenpox history, as well as patients with laboratory evidence of immunity for Varicella, are included on the CASA export with a flag of Y.

Vaccinations for patients who opt out or are exempt from the registry are included in the central registry for inventory and CASA purposes.

Step 1 (IWeb): Retrieve CASA Export Data

To retrieve the export data, click on CASA Export in the menu.  (The menu item only displays for authorized users.) The Export to CASA page opens. The fields and options available on this page depend on user access levels. Note that using more than one or two limiting factors decreases the number of retrieved records.

Field Description

Patient Status

Select which patient status to include:

  • Active Only - Selects only patients that are marked as active in the application

  • Inactive Only - Selects only the patients that have been inactivated in the application

  • All - Selects both active and inactive patients.

Patient Birth Date Range

Enter the birthdate range for the patients to include. This is a required field (both To and From dates).

Include Only Patients Selected in Session

(This option displays only when the Administration > Settings > Properties > Registry Setting > Allow CASA Export by Session option is enabled.) When selected, the CASA export only includes the patients that were flagged on their specific Patient Demographics page. All selected patients are included, not just the patients owned by the IRMS or facility. Only available for IRMS Client, Facility Client, Registry Client, or County View users.

Organization (IRMS)

To export for a specific Organization (IRMS), select it from the drop-down list.

Facility / Do Not Limit

To export for a specific Facility, select it from the drop-down list. The Do Not Limit option exports for all facilities. For County View users, the patient record must have a facility assigned to them in order for the patient to display on the CASA export; otherwise, no results are returned.


To export for a specific VFC PIN, select it from the drop-down list.

Primary Care Physician

To export for a specific primary care physician, select the name from the drop-down list.


To export by a specific vaccinator, select the name from the drop-down list.


To export for a specific program, select it from the drop-down list.

Health Plan

To export for a specific health plan, select it from the drop-down list.


To export for a specific county, parish, or equivalent, select it from the drop-down list.

Zip Code

To export for a specific zip code, enter it.


To export for a specific district or region, enter the whole number that represents it in the application.

CASA Version

Select the version of CASA you are using: CoCASA v1.3-v2 or CoCASA v2.1 and up. The newer version includes support for History of Chickenpox.

Export By

Select the export method:  CPT Code or CVX Code.

Output Type

Select the output type (the format of the export file).  Output types are:

  • Text File (Download) - Useful when you are ready to export the file and immediately import it to CASA.

  • Text File (Server Job) - Useful when you want to process the job in the background. When the file is ready, it can be downloaded from the CASA log page.

  • HTML (Text Area) - Useful when you want to copy and paste into a different application such as Microsoft Excel.

After entering the criteria, click one of these buttons:

Step 2a (WinCASA): Import the Data File

These instructions explain how to import the casa_file.txt file into the WinCASA application.

  1. From the Windows Start button, select the CASA for Windows application. The Clinic Assessment Software Application pop-up window briefly appears, then the CASA version menu appears.
  2. Select Assessment Site > Import > Import Using an Existing Template. The Choose An Import Template To Import dialog box appears.
  3. Type the letter S to immediately locate STC IWeb in the list, then click OK. The Open -Find Your ASCII File dialog box opens.
  4. Navigate through the directory paths to locate the casa_file.txt file, then double-click the file name to select (import) it. The Assessment Site Download dialog box opens.
  5. Enter a name into the Name of Assessed Site field (e.g., County Health Department).
  6. Tab to the Provider Type field. A pop-up window appears with the following types. Select one.
    Type Description
    P Public Health Center
    C Community Health Center
    D Daycare Site
    H HeadStart Site
    S Preschool Site
    W WIC Site
    I Indian Health Service
    R Private Provider
    O HMO
  7. Enter three initials for the Assessor's Initials field.
  8. The Assessment Date defaults to the current date.
  9. Select Months or Years for the Perform Assessment Range Calculation In, then enter the number of months or years in the From and To fields.
  10. Verify the From and To dates are accurate and change them if necessary.
  11. Click OK to continue. The Importing Empty Records dialog box opens.
  12. Click Yes to answer the question Do you want to remove children that do not have an immunization history record? The MOGE Date Value Treatment dialog box opens. (MOGE is an acronym for Moved Or Gone Elsewhere.
  13. Read the question and click either Yes or No.
  14. Exit the application by clicking the Exit menu option. A Backup Databases dialog box opens.
  15. Select one of the following options:
    • Backup - Backs up the database. If you are going to perform a backup, you need a blank formatted disk inserted into the drive, a USB device, or an alternative. All data on the disk or USB drive will be overwritten.
    • Cancel - Closes the Backup Databases dialog box, but remains in the CASA application.
    • Exit - Closes the CASA application.
Note icon  For additional information about the CASA application, see the CDC website: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/cocasa/index.html

Step 2b (CoCASA): Import the Data File

For the CoCASA application download and installation instructions, see the CDC's website: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/cocasa/installation.html

Follow the instructions provided online to import the data file.

CASA Export from the Patient Demographics Page

There is a state-configurable option set up by the system administrator that displays a CASA Export option on the Patient Demographics page.

While an authorized user is viewing patient information, they can select the CASA Export option to flag one or more patients for inclusion in the CASA export for the login session. The total number of patients selected appears in parenthesis after the checkbox label. When this option is selected, the user's Organization (IRMS) and Facility is not displayed and all patients selected during the login session are included in the CASA export.

Running the CASA export is also state-configurable. If a CASA export is not run, the selected patients remain selected until it is run.

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