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Vaccination Settings Properties

Authorized users can access the Vaccination Settings properties by clicking on the Administration > Settings > Properties link, then clicking on the Vaccination Settings category heading.

To configure the settings, enable (select) or disable (deselect) the options, enter any required information, and click Save at the bottom of the page. Changes affect users the next time they log in to the application or module.

Click Reset to erase new or updated entries and reset them as they were after the last submit was done.

The options and fields on this page are as follows:

Option/Field Description

Adverse Reaction Indicator

Enter the character that will be used to represent the Adverse Reaction indicator.

Allow Forced Dose Number

Select this option to allow a user to force the dose number on the Anonymous Vaccination Add/Edit pages.

Check that Information was Saved Before Leaving Vaccination or Patient Edit Pages

Select this option to display a warning of a user attempts to leave the Vaccination or Patient edit pages without saving their changes. This helps to prevent accidental loss of entered information.

Compromised Vaccination Indicator

Enter the symbol to be used to indicate that a vaccination was compromised. The symbol defaults to a pound/number sign symbol (#).

Confidential Vaccination Indicator

Enter the symbol or character to be used to indicate a vaccination is confidential. The default is an uppercase letter "C".

Determine Vaccination VFC Eligibility from Patient Only (not Patient and Lot)

Select this option to allow the vaccination to be administered to the patient with VFC eligibility. Otherwise, the administered vaccinations depend on the eligibility of the vaccine lot.

Display "Add Smallpox History" button

Select this option to display the Add Smallpox History button on the Vaccination view/add pages. If the patient's birth year is 1990or greater, the button displays on the screen, but is disabled.

Display "Patient Specific Reports" on Vacc View/Add Screen

Select this option to display the Patient Specific Reports link on the Vaccination view/add page.

Display "Print Page" Link on Vacc View/Add Screen

Select this option to display the Print Page link on the Vaccination view/add page.

Display "View Print Page" Link on Vacc View/Add Screen

Select this option to display View Print Page link on the Vaccination view/add page.

Display Contraindications on Vacc Summary Screen

Select this option to display the contraindications section on the Vaccination summary page.

Display Contraindications on Vacc View/Add Screen

Select this option to display the contraindications section on the Vaccination view/add page.

Display DTaP vaccination interval notice

Select this option to display a footnote and exclamation (!) symbol when the 4th DTaP is between the 4th and 6th month (but not after the 6th month). The footnote message displays, The minimum recommended interval between DTaP-3 and DTaP-4 is 6 months. However, DTaP-4 need not be repeated if administered at least 4 months after DTaP-3.
Note icon This warning is now part of Warning Group 1 and this option is now obsolete. It will be removed in a later update.

Display Deferral on Vacc Summary Screen

Select this option to display the Deferral button on the Vaccination summary page.

Display History Indicator with Recorded History of Chickenpox

Select this option to display "History" on the Varicella row of the Vaccination view/add page when the patient has a permanent contraindication of History of Chickenpox.

Display vaccination warning for underinsured patients (FQHC, RHC or Local Health Unit)

Select this option to display a warning message (Underinsured children must be vaccinated at a FQHC or RHC or Local Health Unit) for underinsured patients on the Patient add/edit page when the VFC status is changed.

Enable Adverse Reaction "Other"

Select this option to allow an Adverse Reaction of "Other".

Enable Chickenpox History

Select this option to include an Add/Remove Chickenpox History button on the Vaccination view/add page. If the patient already has a chickenpox history entered by another Organization (IRMS), the button does not display.

Enable Contraindications

Select this option to allow contraindications to be entered. If this option is not enabled, the Contraindications button does not appear on the Vaccination view/add page.

Enable Delete / Edit Historical Vaccinations

Select this option to allow editing and deleting of historical vaccinations. If the user created the vaccination, (s)he can edit or delete it because (s)he owns the vaccination. A non-owning user must have the Delete Administered an Historical Vaccinations permission assigned in order to edit or delete a historical or administered vaccination.

Enable Enter Confidential Vaccines

Select this option to allow the entry of confidential vaccinations. When this option is enabled, confidential vaccinations (for adolescents receiving HepB and HPV) are represented by the symbol used in the Confidential Vaccination Indicator property. (Default is an uppercase letter "C")

Enable Global Exemptions

Select this option to allow global exemptions to display on the Vaccination view/add pages.

Enable Historical Vaccinations

Select this option to allow historical vaccinations to be entered on the Vaccination add page.

Enable Invalid/Warning Vaccination Reason Display

Select this option to allow invalid and warning vaccination reasons to display on the Vaccination pages.

Enable Option to Deduct Inventory for Patients Not in Registry

Select this option to allow inventory deductions for patients not in the registry. When this option is enabled, the Administered to client who chose not to be in the registry option does not display on the Reconcile and Lot Number Edit pages. This forces users to click the Add Anonymous button and captures the birthdate information to be used for monthly accountability reports.

Enable Option to Display the Patient's Age on Vaccination Summary

Select this option to allow the patient's age to display on the Vaccination summary page. This age reflects the age of the patient at the time of the immunization. This also displays on the Patient Record - Immunization Summary report.

Enable Re-Vaccination / Compromised Tracking

Select this option to allow re-vaccinations and compromised vaccinations to be tracked in the application.

Enable VFC Eligibility Update at Vaccination (Wyoming Users: Enable Program Eligibility Update at Vaccination)

Select this option to enable the VFC /WYVIP eligibility status to be updated at the time of vaccination. Upon clicking the Add Administered button, the VFC /WYVIP Eligibility page appears for the user to select from the drop-down list. The Vaccination Detail Add page then appears with the updated status.

Enable Health Plan with VFC Eligibility Update at Vaccination

Select this option to display the Health Plan field.

Enable VFC Supplied Vaccine Warning

Select Allow, Error, or Warning from the drop down list.
  • Allow - No warning message is displayed; users can administered publicly supplied vaccinations to VFC-ineligible patients.
  • Error - An error message is displayed if a user attempts to administer a publicly supplied vaccination to a VFC-ineligible patient and the user must either correct the VFC status or change lots to continue.
  • Warning - A warning message is displayed, but can be overridden by the user.

Enable VIS Given Date Autofill

Select this option to allow the VIS Given Date to automatically display on the application pages as the date of the vaccination.

Historical Indicator

Enter the symbol to be used to indicate an immunization/vaccination was entered as historical. The default is an asterisk (*).

Invalid Vaccination Indicator Description

Enter the description of the symbol to be used to indicate invalid vaccinations.

Mark Invalid Vaccinations on Patient Record Report

Select this option to flag invalid vaccinations (compromised doses/vaccinations) on the Patient Record reports as they are on the Vaccination view/add page. This property impacts:
  • State's School Form
  • Patient Routing Slip
  • Medical Record Report
  • Patient Record - All Recorded Vaccinations, Immunization Record summary, and All Recorded Vaccinations (Option 2)

Maximum Number of Columns to Display on Vacc

Enter the number of columns to display/print on the Vaccination view/add page's report.

Prevent Vaccinations from the Same Family on the Same Date

Select this option to prevent vaccinations from the same family from being given on the same date.

Save Vaccination Default Date for Session

Select this option to allow the vaccination default date to be saved for the user's login session. Otherwise, when the user leaves the Vaccination view/add page, the default date is reset to the current date the next time the user opens the Vaccination view/add page.

Unverified Historicals Indicator (Alaska Users: School Nurse Entry Indicator; Indiana: Entered by School Nurse Indicator)

Enter the symbol to be used to indicate that the historical information was entered, but not verified. The default is a plus sign (+) and is noted on the Vaccination view/add page as Unverified Historicals. For example, in Indiana, this would display on the Vaccination view/add page as Entered by School Nurse.

Use dose size to calculate dose decrement quantity

Select this option to allow the dose size to change and decrement by decimals.
  • If enabled (selected), the dose size changes the decrement to .5, 1, or 2. If the dose is a whole number such as 10, it displays as 10, not 10.0.
  • If disabled, the dose size is for normal single doses, such as half, single, or double dose.
Note icon All of the Lot Inventory pages using Dose allow decimal adjustments (for all reasons) and decrement by the dose sizes. This includes Vaccine Ordering pages (excluding ordering quantities) and any reports (including state reports) that display Dose totals, used, wasted, and available. State reports such as inventory-centric reports (i.e., Lot Number Summary) are impacted by this setting. Vaccination-centric reports (i.e., Vaccine Administered Report) continue to count the number of vaccinations (injections/administrations). Dose size has been added to DTT/HL7 and is passed to deduplication when necessary. If this option is not enabled, the field is informational and the volume converts to half, full, double, and is passed to deduplication logic as the dose size. If the option is disabled, it is passed to deduplication logic as volume.

Warning Group 1-3 Indicator

Enter the symbols to indicate Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 Warnings in these fields. A warning indicates that the vaccination was not administered correctly but re-vaccination is not indicated. The default symbol for Group 1 Warning is an exclamation point (!). The symbols for Group 2 and Group 3 Warnings must be unique symbols not used anywhere else in the application. These settings display on the Vaccination view/add pages and are included on the Vaccination Detail reports.

Group 1 Warning reasons are as follows:

  • Antigen administered off-label but CDC does not recommend repeating dose
  • Minimum interval from previous dose not met but CDC does not recommend repeating this dose
  • PCV13 is recommended for children ages 14-59 months; previously complete for PCV7
  • Rotavirus Dose 1 administered at age greater than recommended age. CDC recommends completing the series.
  • Seasonal Influenza Nasal and Novel Influ-H1N1-09 Nasal should not be administered at same visit, but CDC does not recommend repeating the doses.
  • Patient may be on Twinrix alternative schedule
  • The minimum recommended interval between Td and Tdap is 5 years. However, shorter intervals may be counted as valid.
  • The minimum recommended interval between DTaP-3 and DTaP-4 is 6 months. However, DTaP-4 need not be repeated if administered at least 4 months after DTaP-3.
Group 2 Warning reasons are as follows:
  • Tdap administered at > 64 years of age.
  • Td administered at < 7 years of age
  • PPV23 administered at < 24 months of age
  • DTaP administered at >= 7 years of age
  • Tdap administered at < 10 years of age
  • Influenza 18+ years administered at < 18 years of age
  • TIV (Flue) High-Dose administered at < 65 years of age
  • Influenza, 36+ months administered at < 36 months of age
  • Influenza, 6-35 months administered at < 6 months of age or > 35 months of age
  • Influenza, 48+ months administered at < 48 months of age
Group 3 Warning reasons are as follows:
  • This additional dose not required
  • Multiple doses administered for single dose series Revaccination for meningococcal recommended for high risk only
  • Antigen not recommended for primary Hib series and CDC recommends disregarding in forecast
  • Multiple doses administered for single dose series
  • Multiple doses administered for single dose series. One dose of Tdap is recommended

Warning Group 1-3 Indicator Descriptor

Enter the descriptors for the Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 Warnings. These are the labels that appear on the Vaccination Detail screen to indicate vaccinations as Group 1, 2, or 3 Warnings.
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