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Forecast Settings Properties

Authorized users can access the Forecast Settings properties by clicking on the Administration > Settings > Properties link, then clicking on the Forecast Settings category heading.

To configure the settings, enable (select) or disable (deselect) the options, enter any required information, and click Save at the bottom of the page. Changes affect users the next time they log in to the application or module.

Click Reset to erase new or updated entries and reset them as they were after the last submit was done.

The options and fields on this page are as follows:

Option/Field Description

Allow Unlicensed Vaccines in Forecast

Select this option to allow inclusion of unlicensed vaccines in the forecast. Unlicensed vaccines are counted as valid during forecasting.

Assume childhood DTaP history after age

Enter an age value in this field to assume childhood DTaP history should be noted after the entered value.

  • If no age is specified, current functionality continues

  • If an age is specified, once the patient reaches the specified age, the forecast for DTaP/Tdap/Td reflects the booster dose (noted by the letter "B" in the Dose field versus a dose number) intervals, regardless of whether or not the patient has completed the DTaP/Tdap/Td series.

Display Forecast on Vacc View/Add Screen

Select from the drop-down list the location where the Forecast section should be displayed on the Vaccination view/add page (if at all). Examples: Above Vaccination History, Below Vaccination History, Do Not Include.

Do Not Display Recommended Date older than one year

Select this option to prevent vaccines that are older than one year from displaying in the forecast.

Enable Admin Control of Forecast (Univ. Cert of IMM) Settings  (Louisiana)

Select this option to allow authorized users to set the forecast for the Universal Certificate of Immunization at the state level instead of having each user create his/her own specific forecast settings. When this option is enabled, only Registry Client users with administrative permissions can edit the forecast options. Users authorized to make changes on this page are considered to be the StateUser. Therefore, when sending changes to the stored procedure, instead of sending "username, family," the "StateUser, family" is sent instead. For all non-Registry Client users, the page is view-only.

Enable Display Forecast Status of Optional

Select this option to allow the forecast status of Optional to display.

Use Invalid Vaccine in Forecast Calculation

Select this option to calculate the interval for the next dose based on the date of the last dose, whether it is valid or not, matching the ACIP guidelines. If this option is disabled, the interval for the next dose is calculated by the date of the last valid dose.

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