IWeb logo IWeb Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module User Guide

Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module User Guide

The Provider Recruitment and Tracking module is an add-on component to the IWeb application that provides an interface to manage and track the recruitment progress of potential registry providers. The module stores a potential provider's information, tracks the provider through the various recruitment steps (forms completed, exports written, trainings, etc.), displays a to-do list of the next activities/steps for each provider, and generates forms and labels used in the process. It can also track the progress made by individual recruiters and provide reports detailing each recruiter's status and throughput.

The module contains an integrated help desk tool that can track provider issues, automatically provide user feedback, and report relationships between help desk calls and recruitment activities.

Depending on the workflow, a recruiter can:

Note icon  Only users with Registry Client access to IWeb can add users to the Provider Recruitment and Tracking module. Refer to the IWeb Administrator Guide for more information.

Users with the following permissions have the following authorities within the module:

Permission Authorities


View, Add, Edit All Activities

View, Add, Edit Vendors

Search, Add, Edit Trainings

View Facility Groups Report

Provider Recruitment Administrator

Create Custom Activity Types

View Activity Report

IRMS Administration

Search, Add, Edit IRMSes

Facility Administration

Search, Add, Edit Facilities

Physician Administration

Search, Add, Edit Physicians

User Administration

Search, Add, Edit Users

Help Desk

Help Desk

The following topics are included in this user guide:

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